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Development Log

20241231 - Updated to vitepress 1.5.0. Fixed table spec non-compliance issues and tweaked T/F and MC question styles

20240818 - Updated to vitepress 1.3.3. Merged ViteConversion branch into master

20240613 - Updated to vitepress 1.2.3. Adder ver info to nav bar. Renamed vitedocs to docs

20240507 - Added Stack pages in Assembly section

20240407 - Updated to Vitepress 1.0,2, official release. Revamped About and CS131 Nav menu into 1 nested dropdown

20240112 - Committed to VitePress using version 1.0.0-rc.36. Converting all pages to VitePress

20231126 - Building VitePress version in separate vitedocs folder. Starting to build a new Getting Started set of pages to improve the first week of assembly

20230825 - Typo fixes

22020501 - Completed first draft. Ready for Peer Review for Grant

20220430 - Completing 80% draft. Coordinating with reviewers as part of grant activities

20220131 - Upgraded to VuePress 1.9.2 to 1.9.7. Removed unneeded plugin installs (since they are built-in) Out of the Box

20220130 - Completed overall structure of EText. Finalized page templates got Book, Section, Subsection, and Topic. Applied templates to all (I think) pages in EText section

Re-structures somewhat in Introduction and Foundations, and merged form fragmented content

20220122 - Starting with clean repo to facilitate coordinating with Doc Reviewer and Peer Reviewer. Reverted to VuePress 1.x as 2.x was to betaish

Established master, dev, and docreview branches, and created Netlify sites for each. This to establish a simple workflow for collaboration

20211121 - Continuing to add structure and some content. Fixed issue w/ question components. They were not seeing global styles, so moved styles into scope blocks in each component. Will need to figure this out later

20211129 - Adding pages for SW development (Design, Debugging, and Comments) for use in class this semester. Added LC3 Directory for LC3-specific examples

Incorporating code examples with :::: code-block and @[code](./inlinecomments.asm) elements to display code from external files

20211003 - Switch to VuePress 2/Next. Was having trouble with sidebar under VP 1. Had to update how Vue components are registered and clean up some issues in Vue templates. Got a successful build on Netlify, so proceeding forward for now

20210927 - Working on creating layouts with Vue components and VuePress Markdown Slots. So for I have not been able to read in .md files for the slots, but I did generate Layout_Unit.vue to create specific sections. Trying different styles, but I don't have an eye for that

20210926 - Re-creating Project from scratch. Abandoning to create new repo . Parts of cs1-1_textbook will be manually integrated into new project

Reverted to VuePress 1 as the beta is still a problem

Created basic VuePress site with images and styles from prototype site. Created new Netlify site w/ Auto Deploy from Github push

20210901 - CC ECHO Grant awarded for completion of COMP-142/CS 131 OER Course Material. Adding Jest for Vue Component Testing. Will look into Cypress for E2E testing for CI/CD testing

20210804 - Added Download (DL) menu items w/ link to download files from /assets/download dir

20210711 - Adding LC-3 Getting Started Tutorial from Google Drive to here

20210522 - Moved repo to GitHub and deployed to Netlify. Firebase project still setup, but will likely abandon is as Netlify looks simpler for this project

Added LC-3 dir under textbook (same level as text folder). The intent is to build all LC3-specific stuff here. If the course changes assembler tools, updating this text will be simpler (make new assembler folder, fill with content, and update links in text docs)

Added cool Netlify Badge (above) to show auto Build/Deploy status

The contents of this E-Text were developed under an Open Textbooks Pilot grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Released under Creative Commons BY NC 4.0 International License