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Setting Up LC3Tools

The Little Computer 3 (LC-3) assembly environment is an emulated Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) used to learn the basics of assembly language programming

The ISA is limited to 20+ actual instructions, but contains enough capability to learn and experiment with assembly

LC-3 is a simulated Von Neumann computer Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). Its purpose is solely for teaching Assembly programming and underlining control micro architecture

The LC-3 editor and simulator are used in the course to use the defined ISA to create programs that preform standard Input-Processing-Output flow implemented in the lowest-level human-readable language, Assembly

Download the Tools

LC3Tools is a free tool maintained on Github. It is licensed under Apache License 2.0

The tools will run under Windows, MacOS, and modern Linux operating system

Download the appropriate version from the LC3Tools Build. Use this link to view and download the correct setup/installer for your personal system

What to Download

Windows 10/11

The LC3Tools-n.n.n.exe release is a portable version that can be loaded onto a thumbdrive or portable disk fro use on any Win10 system

LC3Tools-Setup-n.n.n.exe is an installer that is meant to install on a single Win10 system

When in doubt, use the portable version


The LC3Tools-n.n.n.AppImage is a Linux portable package. Download into your home directory. To start, double-click from a GUI file explorer -or- use ./LC3Tools-*n.n.n*.AppImage from the command line

If you have issues check that execute permissions are set for user (or all)


The LC3Tools-n.n.n.dmg is the compressed executable. Double-click the file, drag the application to your system, then eject the .dmg file. Start the application normally

Downloading the Docs and Template

Download the LC-3 docs

Download and uncompress the file. You will be using these tools for the remainder of the semester

LC-3 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Reference and Template

The uncompressed file includes a Docs folder containing reference materials for the LC-3

It also contains the Assembly_Template.asm file. You will use this file to start all assignments

The contents of this E-Text were developed under an Open Textbooks Pilot grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Released under Creative Commons BY NC 4.0 International License