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Getting Started with this Project

Development Technologies Used

The project uses NodeJS (LTS version), VitePress 1.x, VueJS 2x (built in to VitePress), Markdown (built in to VitePress) git (latest version), GitHub (online service), and Digital Ocean Apps for basic development/modification workflows

Project GitHub site

Recommended dev tools are: Visual Studio Code (Code), Code extensions (Vetur, Code Spell Check, Microsoft Remote suite (if needed)), Modern Web Browser

Up and Developing

These steps will set up your computer to edit and review changes live locally

Other will not be able to see these updates

The following process is how the original project was developed. Other tools may be substituted

Initial Setup of GitHub Repo and Initialization

You will clone the repo from GitHub. Switch to the docs directory. And install the required node modules

  1. Install git command-line tools from git-scm
  2. Install NodeJS NodeJS Download page
  3. Open a command windows and switch to the project folder
  4. git clone to pull master branch of repo to your system
  5. cd CompOrgEText/vitdocs to switch to the document root folder
  6. npm install to install required NodeJS modules

Start Dev Server

The built-in dev server allows you to render and view the entire site on a local web server on your system. This speeds up modification process by allowing you to modify and review without needs to update GitHub. You will start the dev server, the open a browser tab to view the site

  1. In the command windows cd CompOrgEText/vitdocs to switch to the document root folder
  2. npm run dev to start the dev server
  3. Once the final success message appears, open a browser to the address shown in that message

typically http://localhost:8080

Editing files in the working files and saving will trigger the dev server to restart, and saved changes will appear in the browser

If changes do not appear in the browser, try 1) pressing F5 in the browser or 2) stopping and restarting the dev server (ctrl-c in the terminal should stop it)

Installing VSCode to make Updates

You can use any editing environment to update and push changes. This section covers using VSCode

  1. Install Code on your system
  2. Start Code and open the project folder (CompOrgEText/docs)
  3. Start a terminal window in Code

    View > Terminal -or- CTRL + `

  4. Verify Node isn installed and accessible

    node --version

    verify you get a version number and not an error

  5. Install Node and VuePress dependencies

    npm install

    This will take a minute ot so to complete

  6. Start the development server

    npm run dev

    wait for success message

    Note the web address on this line

    something like http://localhost:5173

  7. Open a web browser and enter the web address
  8. You will, if everything worked, the opening page of the project

The contents of this E-Text were developed under an Open Textbooks Pilot grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Released under Creative Commons BY NC 4.0 International License