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Truth Tables


Key Concepts

Truth Tables UtilityWe can effectively see under-the-hood of a circuit by examining the circuits truth table
Inputs and OutputsInputs are combined within the circuits logic to produce a desired output
Multiple OutputsA truth table with multiple outputs is effectively multiple circuits, one for each output. The will share the same inputs
Arithmetic Function/CircuitOperation that processed input signals into a mathematical output. i.e. ADD, SUBTRACT.
CircuitGroup of transistors that implement logic, control, or storage capability in hardware. AKA Gate.
Input/OutputElectrical or binary signals sent into or received out of a transistor, circuit, or arithmetic function.
Invert/InversionSwitching a value/state to its opposite reference value/state. i.e. binary 1 is inverted into a binary 0.
Logic Function/CircuitOperation that processed input signals into a boolean output. i.e. AND, OR, NOT.
N-Type TransistorTransistor that outputs the same reference/boolean value as its input.
P-Type TransistorTransistor that outputs the opposite reference/boolean value than its input.
Ripple circuitA set of identical circuits chained together to cause an output from one circuit feeds the next circuit, and affects the next circuit's result. Common in arithmetic circuits that require carry/borrow interactions between values.
Storage Function/CircuitOperation that retains input signal (single bit) between clock cycle. i.e. STORE, RETRIEVE.
TransistorsElectronic devices used to represent binary 1 or 0 in hardware.
Truth TableA tablature representation of all if a circuit's inputs and outputs.


We start with a tool to describe logic functions

The Truth Table is a notation that shows binary inputs and resulting outputs for a logic circuit. The circuit can be a basic circuit (with 2 inputs and 1 output) or a complex circuit made up of many individual logic devices.

All truth tables, and the devices they describe will have a set of inputs, the circuit that modifies the inputs, and the outputs. For simplicity, outputs are consider instantaneously generated when the inputs are applied.

Anatomy of a Truth Table

Anatomy of a Truth Table

Inputs and Outputs are labeled with letters. The labels typically do not have any meaning associated with the inputs/outputs.

Inputs and Outputs have values as signals in and out of the device being describes by the truth table.

All inputs in a given row are applied to the circuit and product the given output.

In the above example:

when a inputs a 0 and b inputs a 0, the z output will be 0

when a inputs a 0 and b inputs a 1, the z output will be 1

when a inputs a 1 and b inputs a 0, the z output will be 1

when a inputs a 1 and b inputs a 1, the z output will be 1

Complex Circuits

Complex Truth Table

Truth tables can have more than 2 inputs and 1 output. In cases of multiple outputs, all inputs in a given row produce each output signal separately

In the above example:

when a inputs a 0 and b inputs a 0, the z1 output will be 0 and z2 output will be 0

when a inputs a 0 and b inputs a 1, the z1 output will be 1 and z2 output will be 0

and so on

You can also make the above truth table 2 separate tables

Complex Truth Table

When creating a physical circuit based on this diagram, remember this is one circuit and the a and b inputs are from the same source

We will learn how to crate physical circuits, using a virtual circuit design adn simulation tool later


Using Truth Tables, we can understand how different inputs produce different outputs in the circuit being described

Reading a single row os a truth table, we see all the input values into the circuit and the expected output(s)

If a circuit/truth table produces multiple outputs, each row of inputs will product the expect outputs separately

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