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Arithmetic and Logic Instructions

The LC-3 provides three (3) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) Instructions

All ALU instructions are preformed on data in Registers and the results are stored in Registers


Performs a logical NOT on data in a register

.ORIG x3000
  AND R0, R0, #0; Clear out whatever is currently in R0
  ADD R0, R0, #5; Set R0 to 5
  NOT R1, R0; Invert the value in R0 and store in R1

;End of Program

;Data Declarations-------------


Performs a logical AND on data in two Register, storing the result in a Register

.ORIG x3000
  AND R0, R0, #0; Clear out whatever is currently in R0
  ADD R0, R0, #5; Set R0 to 5
  NOT R1, R0; Invert the value in R0 and store in R1

;End of Program

;Data Declarations-------------


Performs a logical ADD on data in two Register, storing the result in a Register

.ORIG x3000
  AND R0, R0, #0; Clear out whatever is currently in R0
  ADD R0, R0, #5; Set R0 to 5
  NOT R1, R0; Invert the value in R0 and store in R1

;End of Program

;Data Declarations-------------

Condition Code Register

All ALU instructions set the Condition Code (CC) register at the end of executing the instruction

This register can be used by future instructions that might decide to change the program's flow (like an If/Else -or- Loop behavior)

Condition Code Register

The CC will be in one of three possible states:

N - The last operation resulted in a Negative Value

Z - The last operation resulted in a Zero Value

P - The last operation resulted in a Positive Value

Other instructions do not change the CC, so it will holding last value until another of the above 4 instructions is executed

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