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Using LC3Tools

LC3Tools contains an editor and hardware simulator


Editor Button LC-3 assembly programs will be written and assembled (similar to compiling in Java programming) using the Editor view

LC3Tools Editor

The editor has controls on the left side to create a new file, save a file, open an existing file, and assemble a file

The main content area of the editor is where the .asm (assembly source code) is viewed and modified


Simulator Button In order to run an assembly program, computer hardware or simulated hardware is needed. LC3Tools provides a simulation tool that behaves like a virtual Little Computer 3 (LC-3) machine

LC3Tools Simulator

The simulator has controls on the left to open an existing .obj file (a complied assembly program), run and reload an .obj file, as well as debugging and hardware reset options

The main content area of the simulator contains hardware registers, memory, and Input/Output console

Before Your Begin

Click on the gear button and ensure that the following options are set in your LC3Tools installation: LC3Tools Settings

Number View is Signed

Ignore privileged mode is enabled

Use less strict assembly is disabled

You can set Theme to whichever style you prefer

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